Luiz Rodrigues is working to make the region of Paraná renowned worldwide for its unique, high-quality coffee. As the owner of Fazenda California, Luiz represents the “pioneer” of specialty coffee in the area, fitting for the name Norte Pioneiro do Paraná (Pioneer of Northern Paraná).

Fazenda California
Available Lot:

Signature Natural


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ID# SH7735

About the producer

Fazenda California is located in the Brazilian subtropical region called Norte Pioneiro de Panama, an area known for its fertile volcanic soil, steady rainfall, and flat topography. The region’s moderate temperatures (66 to 71°F), altitude (500 to 900 m) and latitude (23 to 24°S) result in slower maturation rates and longer durations of time between flowerings.

In the early 20th century, the land that is now Fazenda California served as the center of a coffee study for the University of California, Davis. In 2004, the Saldanha Rodrigues family acquired the farm. Dr. Paulo Cesar Saldanha Rodrigues served as president, catalyzing a new wave of improvements on the farm. However, due to Dr. Paulo’s untimely death in 2004 in a plane crash, his nephew Luiz Roberto S. Rodrigues became president, continuing the work that his uncle started. Luiz updated production processes, harvesting methods, and equipment. He also implemented a management system to support sustainable production. Fazenda California today continues to uphold Dr. Paulo’s legacy, exhibiting a strong commitment to the future of sustainability. The farm’s mission statement: “producing high quality food for the consumer, society, and the environment” illustrates this commitment.

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Fazneda California

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