Agrosolidaria La Celia is a social and environmental organization with nine years of experience in socioeconomic development. It was founded in March 2010 with 28 families. Currently, 147 families are members and are distributed in 23 of the 26 villages of the Municipality of La Celia.

La Celia

Available Lot:

Microlote Agrosolidaria La Celia


32 bag(s) (70 kg) - Annex SLO

ID# SH8586

About the producer

AGROSOLIDARIA Seccional La Celia focuses on a number of initiatives to support the success of its farmer members:

  • Productivity, by developing productive and environmental programs, diversifying production, and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Commercialization, achieved through lot segmentation and quality control
  • Gender Equality, by promoting IMH (Equality between Women and Men) coffee lots, incorporating the families in the Association’s activities, and permanent trainings.
  • Social Welfare, by celebrating an Agrosolidaria Family day and engaging next generation growers.  
  • Environmental Conservation, by being certified FT FLO, C.A.F.E. Practices, and applying Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

The Agrosolidaria La Celia microlot from La Celia represents a refined selection of the cooperative's coffee grown in the buffer zone of the Tatama national reserve. The lot represents the great potential of La Celia's unique approach to production, where men and women work collaboratively across their farms to produce exquisite coffee that supports environmental conservation and the high ethical standards of the La Celia organization. 


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